Madonnas, Saints and Crucifixes.

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Over the centuries, the image of Mary holding Baby Jesus in her arms inspired several artists and artisans, including potters from Faenza.

Our Madonnas in ceramic are inspired by the great painters of the past and borrow symbols and designs from the italian cultural heritage. They are painted by hand with small brushes, using the bright colors typical of Faenza. Some shapes come to us from the nineteenth century, old plaster molds jealously preserved.

The Madonna symbolizes the maternal tenderness and love for the family. For this reason, it is traditional to hang a Madonna (especially a Madonna with Child, or a Holy Family) above the bed, in the living room, or above the main door.

These Madonnas are precious and unique objects, ideal as a wedding gift, or as a gift for a baptism, to instill the protection of Mary on the new family.

The saints portray some figures of saints particularly venerated in popular tradition, such as Anthony the Great, or compositions of the Holy Familyand the Nativity. The ceramic, modeled in lunettes, panels or shapes, also in relief, offers traditional or unique representations. The luster of the majolica enhances the figures and draperies.

The hand-painted crucifixes are decorated with styles that recall the religious tradition: the Pavona recalls the “angelic pen” decorated on the wings of the archangel in the scenes of the Annunciation of the fifteenth century, the Persian Palmette the decorations of the manuscripts illuminated by the monks, the Raphaelesque the frescoes by Raffaello Sanzio in the Vatican Loggias.